What can I do when I do not have GPS?

There can be different situations where we do not have GPS (if we have radio tracking, we will not have GPS, so if this is the case, it is first necessary to move to a higher ground point).

If the receiver gives the message "no GPS R2, find a clear spot," we must move to a clear area to have direct sight to the satellites. We can accelerate the process by entering Menu> Options R2> GPS Info.

In this screen we see the satellites that we have at the moment. If no data appears on the screen, we go back to GPS ON / OFF, switch off the GPS and switch it on again.


You will shortly receive GPS.


From Monday to Thursday: 8.00 am to 2.00 pm and 2.30 pm to 5.00 pm GMT+1 (Madrid, Paris).

Friday: 8.00 am to 2.00 pm



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