Troy Fardell from RPAS Australia explains how he saved Sensefly ebee after eagle attack.
"We have had the Tinyloc inside the Sensefly eBee UAV for 3 years and never had a need to use it... until today.
Fortunately I always turn it on as there are always Wedge-Tail eagles about. Today was no different and we had a go at the drone upon its landing phase, a vulnerable stage of the mission.
Even though the eBee went down only 70m away, a stockpile obscured its actual touch down. I felt sure I knew where it would be.
At first I thought the tracker was playing up due to the direction it wanted to take me. Being the end of the day so in no rush and still confident "I" knew where it would be even if the Tinyloc didn't, I figured I would let it do its thing. A minute or two later, behind some rocks and at the base of a small stand of spindly trees there she was... well some of her. A wing over there, a wing up there but it was all there, except for the prop which I concluded the eagles took off. A few talon marks but no real harm this round.
It is worth repeating, without the Tinyloc, I would have looked for hours in the wrong area, lost some days work on an SD card and have to try claim the UAV on insurance."
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